The integrator for decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities and RAW management has extensive experience in implementing projects for decommissioning of industrial uranium-graphite reactors (IUGR) using the “in place entombment” principle. The work includes dismantling buildings and equipment, decontaminating contaminated surfaces, creating engineered safety barriers and handing irradiated reactor graphite. The used process solutions can also be replicated to facilities abroad.
As part of decommissioning of IUGR, we perform work to create infrastructure and fill reactor plant spaces and adjacent outside reactor spaces with barrier materials, which allows us to isolate major radioactively contaminated components of equipment, building structures and radioactive waste in reactor shafts. Safety barriers exclude the possibility of access to RAW containment area and minimize the threat of radioactive substances getting into the environment
The decommissioning integrator addresses one of the critical tasks of IUGR decommissioning - the management of radioactive waste from uranium-graphite reactors. After the graphite stack is removed from the reactor, work is carried out on RAW description - determination of specific radioactivity, decontamination and segmenting. We also deal with final isolation of radioactive waste from graphite reactors, as well as dismantling of waste repositories and rehabilitation of adjacent areas.